Saturday, August 29, 2009


so...i have been grounded for this whole week and haven't been able to get on the compter. what i bummer! :) so today has been the first day i have been able to get on!
i miss jena terrible. she is my love of life! <3 i dont know what i would do without her! she makes my life complete. even though she was wrong about him "loving" me. haha. its ok.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

taylor fowler i love you so much, you don't even know. i can't wait till seminary starts tuesday so i can see your beautiful face every morning of the school year! i am so happy i've got a best friend as wonderful as you! you are the best!
you freakin' need to get your webcam started up so we can chat asap. cause i miss you already.
i'm thinking that we should hang out today but you start school tomorrow so we can't. :(
and obviously that makes me very sad.
readers, if you haven't noticed we get really depressed when we don't see eachother or when we're not together. haha.
you are the best best friend i could ever ask for. you are more than a friend to me. as the picture says, you are my sister. my sista from anotha mista. bahahahaha.
i don't know what i'm going to do without you next year when i go off to college. i might suffer from a rare desiese called loss of sister. haha. but anyways.
yesss, people DO tell me stuff. probably because my face is so irresistable people can't help but tell me things. like i've got to tell you something i found out about me at youth conference. just remind me, girl. but anyways. yes, he does like you...NO he's IN LOVE WITH you. and that other certain someone that i'm so excited you like said that he really wants to meet you so se can see whether he likes you more than a friend. so yayyyy! :D:D:D
but i'm going to go so i can tell you to read this! haha.
Love, Jena

enough said.. <3


i love her!!! :)
and somehow she gets people to tell her things. like that he is in love with me! :) haha.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

i can't sleep...

so naturally, i ended up on facebook. (:
and i'm talking to my dance 1:20am.

goodnight, hopefully.



hey guys, sad news...
taylor and i haven't seen eachother ALL DAY!
oh mu gah. sad stuff. lol.

well i've been cleaning my house all day long. :/
but it's ok. i guess i'll appriciate it when it's clean. haha.
we've got church tomorrow and i'm super excited!!


Friday, August 14, 2009

Our First Post. :D Woo hoo.

yeah so, taylor is upstairs vaccuming her room. i'm about to leave and go to boiling springs with my mom(:
so, we've been rearranging her room all day long. it's been so much fun and has made us realize that we wanted our own show on HGTV! :D:D:D yayy.
ok she's done vaccuming. lol.
here she is, loves. :)

i was rearranging my room today and after moving my bed what had to be atleast eight times i realized that i wanted my bed in the same corner just in a different direction.
moral: dont be stupid. analyze things beforehand...lesson learned.
